Claimant Relations | 800.708.8925

The DII Silica Trust was formed in 2005 as a result of the bankruptcy of Mid-Valley, Inc., Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc., KBR Technical Services, Inc., Kellogg Brown & Root International, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation), Kellogg Brown & Root International, Inc. (a Panamanian Corporation), and BPM Minerals, LLC.
The Trust is organized to settle all valid silica personal injury claims against these defendants and certain related protected parties in accordance with the Trust Distribution Procedures (“TDP”) approved by the bankruptcy court. The purpose of this website is to provide information to assist claimants and others in understanding the purpose of the DII Silica Trust and how the Trust resolves claims.
A copy of the applicable Trust Distribution Procedures is available on this site. Information regarding claim filing procedures will indicate, among other things, when and how claims may be filed with the Trust.
For a comprehensive overview of the Trust’s history and live of a claim, click here to visit our Tutorial page.